Drop subject ???


Right now I am so confuse with my life .

I got some inspiration after I watch a korean drama . IT is about love at harvard . The point is why I brought this up is because most of the students there (esp. Law students) spend thier times reading .. everywhere … yes .. I mean everywhere .

While walking to class , at the library , You can see books every corner of the building .

After I watch those dramas , I feel very upset WHY I cannot have that struggle before .

Right now I am so regret for what I have done .

Last night , my aunty called me . She ask me about a friend there . And suddenly she asked me about how my studies . That moment , I spit all from my mouth , my problems with certain subjects .

Well , she gave me some ideas and some advice IF and ONLY IF I chose to drop ‘certain’ subjects .

I still confuse ..

I checking SMP and I found that my carry mark is 10/40 .

My target for only that particular subject is C. AT LEAST C .

please .. somebody /… SHOOT ME !!!

(still thinking the consequences if i drop that subjects ..)

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