I stumbled upon this site and I found Advertlets organised a competition to Malaysian bloggers so I thought how about giving a shot since the prize is the device that I really want so badly . YES , VERY BADLY .
8 Reasons Why I Deserve To Win a Samsung Galaxy Tab
1. Flash
I can view the flash !

But not this Flash
The browser can view flash files flawlessly since Galaxy Tab have Flash Player 10.1 . So if I want to play game at this website flash-game.net using tablet , now I can !
To the iPad owners , I have a presents for you . *evil laugh*
2. Android
Android is a mobile operating system by Google.
This device runs on Android 2.2 (Froyo) or Frozen Yogurt which I like to call it ‘Frogurt’.
Tons of applications you can download from Android Market. By default , Samsung Galaxy Tab has already preinstalled with tons off applications so you can edit documents and watch movies and do lot of other cool stuff .
3. Ebook Reader
There is an application called Readers Hub preinstalled in Samsung Galaxy Tab which you can read ebooks (powered by Kobo) , news and magazine.
In News reader category you will find a list of country and the news that you can subscribe. Believe it or not in Malaysia there are 10 news sources that I can choose from while other country mostly have 2 or 3.
Which means I can read “The Star” using Galaxy Tab and I can stop buying hardcopy of newspapers.
With this I am using less paper and it is good for environment . Yay !
Check out review by Winnie Kepala and watch on 0:40.
4. Phone and Video Call
Samsung Galaxy Tab is not just a tablet . It’s a GIANT PHONE ! I can make calls like I normally do with my cellphone and also video call so that I can have sort of like Apple FaceTime experience.
And yes you are right .. I can put sim card and enjoy calling people although I am not gonna put it beside my ear so that other people won’t be staring at me ( like this woman below ).
5. Look Ma ! Only One Hand !
The Galaxy Tab is a 7 inch device and I can hold it with one hand !
That means it is lightweight and mobile so I can bring it anywhere I want especially when I’m going to class .
And yes , I can even put it in my pocket and look like a douchebag .
6. It’s made by Samseng Samsung !
Samsung is a Korean Company which have a great trump card ” Super Amoled Display ” technology.
As you can see with Samsung Galaxy S , their LCD technology really superb if you want to compare with other lcd technology. So far the build quality of Samsung product is really impressive and well made.
7. Camera
With iPad you can only dream for taking pictures but with this device I can capture a still picture or doing a video recording. It does not provide with one but two camera front and back so that I can take pictures of someone else cute cats and post it on icanhascheezburger.com .
8. Accessories
There are tons of accessories for this device ..
And off course the one that I am planning to buy is going to be a car dock that I found in Lowyat Forum .
Warning !!! . Samsung Galaxy Tab is not for ..
1 . Apple fanboy
If you are one of them like AbdusFauzi you guys will prefer an iPad instead.
2. Not a Chick Magnet
Cute chicks like FinaFedora might not want Samsung Galaxy Tab because she always want an iPad since all her favourite games can only be play with iOS devices like Apple iPhone , iPod Touch and iPad.
3. Android Market vs Apple Appstore
The number of applications from the Apple app store is really big comparing to Android Market by a huge margin . But to me time will tell what is going to happen in the future . More and more Android devices is sold to the consumer and the developer like me should know the target market is getting bigger and bigger .
Also , big numbers doesn’t mean better apps . Nuff said 🙂
4. 7 inch screen vs 10 inch screen
For me it depends on preferences . As for me I found 7 inches is good enough although if you want to enjoy your favourite movie you might want to consider larger screens.
Conclusion :
For those who want to own one :
- You can buy through Maxis and the details is here.
- Or join this contest by Advertlets and create a blog post “Why I Deserve To Win a Samsung Galaxy Tab”. Check the details here .
Or you can just wait until a new version came out . There is rumour ( yes .. it’s only a rumour .. and off course not confirm yet ) that Samsung will release a Samsung Galaxy Tab which has the Super Amoled Display. The rumour can be found by gizmodo here .
Updated 1 / 12 /2010 :
Currently using this picture as my profile picture at my facebook . Hopefully I can win eventhough I have already read other contestant entries and some of them is quite good .You can check out other contestants at the Samsung U-nivez page.
Nice Blog post there..
You have elaborate much of the good side on having Galaxy Tab for your own daily usage.
I am also had a 7″ Android Tablet before. It’s using Froyo Android 2.2 but without Flash 10.1 support,so web experience will be limited.
Anyway good luck on winning the Tab.
I will support your Blog.
p/s: Do let me test drive on your Tab if you win one 😉
I like Samsung Galaxy S more than iPad..
But cannot afford it, yet~
Samsung Galaxy the best ^_^
suka point no1 dan 7….
wow it can beat my iphone 3G features..
Tested it and it feels nice.
kalau beli harga berapa?
Maxis sell it for RM2,699.00 for non-contract
Android terrbaekk~
android FTW!
great! lepas ni boleh lawan aku punya n900.
best! best! 🙂
reason # 6. Samsung always been my favourite, but this one, so not my type. 😉
awsm! im going to get galaxy tab too, instead of ipad. rock on, android :3
first thing, im no chick but rather a kitteh.
well, i like the flash too & the android OS, the phone & video call of course, the single-handed handling *yay!* — 7inch is almost the size of my purse, so yeah. i can handle it with care 😀 and lastly the camera!
Samsung Galaxy Tab is sexxayy yo!
wowwww! it’s cool,but belom mampu….mueheheheh
awesomeness..never know till i read this.
I also want this Samsung Galaxy Tab. It looks cooler than iPad!
samsung galaxy tab is more value for money compared to ipad.. sorry fellows who like ipad. for me ipad such a loser :p
galaxy tab sexy!
aku nk gak odiiiin~
smart wess. nak2 lagi android
This stylist baby rich functions suit for you busy
and hectic day, your best helper and entertainment case.
Personally, i love the design of Samsung Galx:)
why you deserve to win based on 8 things you’ve mentioned?
this is not a reason of why you should win, you’re mentioning about what is the spec on Samsung Galaxy Tab.
LOL. saje psycho you.
hope you win this competition. 😛
Galaxy Tab is for geek. Ipad for business application. that simple. but then it boils down to what you need, not what you want.
But I reckon, Galaxy Tab wins, hands down!
saya suka flash!! Galaxy Tab FTW!!!
Galaxy Tab is awesome and for geek only !
As an Android user, I’m pretty sure that Galaxy Tab works perfectly on Android eventhough iOS for iPad so way cool to attract chicks out there. haha~
Long life for Galaxy Tab & Android. 🙂
boleh buat phone call? aku ok je. selalu guna phone untuk mms, web browsing dan gps navigation. phone call kadang2..
Saya mahu juga! Mahu buang Chokia E72 dalam tong sampah..
interesting review on Samsung Galaxy and very reasonable reasons to win this phone 😛
you make it nice and simple yet smart.
goodluck on the competition! 🙂
so, i am the only one who are not supposed to get the Samsung Tab?
you deserve one la bro!
nnt boleh challenge sape punya toy lagi best!
yupp..i admit it’s a great device , i hope ur dream to have one will be come true ,aamiiin
Galaxy Tab totally worth the money!!!
Wao~ good post. Will consider to buy ~ ^^
Wah! Samsung Galaxy!! great explanation asan!
Speaking like u owned the Tab. I’m not into Tablet but the way u elaborate it, makes me dying to get one myself! hehe
Selamat berjaya on winning the Tab.
wow! this is cool and looks convenient..pretty much sexayy *aha yes ofcourse everything worth money looks sexy to me, but I always can’t afford -.-*..
ok hope u will win the competition…get two of the toy perhaps? haha.. GOOD LUCK 🙂
galaxy tab mmg mantap!hehehe
nice gadget
good luck!
cool .. ~!but I’m way cooler .. hhhohoho
Samsung is gay and you deserve to have it. Hehe
good choice…nice 1
good luck!
wow….great….samsung terbaik!!thumbs up!!i feel like to have one…=)
Saya doakan supaya Encik Odin dapat memenangi pertandingan ini, InsyaAllah. Amin. Kalau dah jodoh tak kemana. =D
p/s: Tak pernah dapat peluang lagi nak pegang Tab, apatah lagi iPad. Jadi tak dapat nak komen pasal Tab.
You deserve it .. 🙂
interesting. all d best to you!
kalau menang bagi pinjam 24 jam, k? 😛
galaxy tab really cool..smart guy get it..:)
best ker guna tu?
Good reasons, dan smart parody Flash tu – mana button LIKE? ^_^
i want one!!! not that phone but that KAWAII cat !!!!! LOL